Found out why I hate making cookies, but also the reason why you haven’t seen too much of me the past few months, as we have been adjusting to a major life change, but be looking forward to seeing more posts a week, and for more information about in person events coming SOON!
I HATE making cookies.

They take forever to make, they burn, spread out too much, are a science to get right, and most of the time don’t even turn out the way I was HOPING they would. Oh, and they make WAY too many dishes!
However, here I am at 11:00 p.m. on the Tuesday before market, making cookies that I hope turn out alright. None the less, I am making some sourdough ice box cookies that I have never tried to make before….because gosh darn it…you people are special! I am hoping to turn out a product that you enjoy for my last Gilmore City Farmers’ Market ever.
Some of you may know, others may not have heard, and some of you don’t care, which is completely fine-keep scrolling Bertha. I have decided to resign from my time from Gilmore City-Bradgate Elementary as of June 30th. This last week of June has always been tough, challenging, full of excitement and adrenaline, as the garden is usually coming into full swing, as are the weeds, and we typically go goose banding with the Iowa DNR. However, this time around it hits a little differently as I know the time I have with GC-B is coming to an end.
Sort of like making cookies, I don’t like the thought of trying to do things that should be successful. It’s a batch of cookies, how hard could it be?! Well, leaving the place that I got my first job after college, my Master’s Degree, and finished my Dietetic Internship, the place where I was first employed where I got engaged and married, moved to an acreage, got a puppy, where we welcomed our two babies into, and had many other life changes along the way is going to turn out somewhat like making cookies. It may turn out this time, or it may not. I won’t know until I bake them and try them out.
I won’t know what’s ahead, and none of us do, but I can tell you that I’m going to try anyway! Because the thought of how those cookies might turn out, might just be better than I expected. Moving forward I’ll continue sharing content through my blog, the Iowa Family Gardening Homestead, Facebook and Instagram. You will also see me working as the Director of The King’s Kids Preschool in Humboldt, at Oak Hill Church, where I first found Christ and welcomed him into my life. I strongly believe the Holy Spirit is working through this church, and has been for the last eleven years that I have visited, and attended this church with my husband, his family, and now our family. I cannot wait to see our two children witness the goodness of God, and I cannot wait to be the one to share it with them!
It’s truly been a pleasure and privilege getting to know each of the families and their students that have gone to GC-B, the community members, colleagues and friends the past almost seven years since I’ve been here. We have truly had a lot of fun, and I hope with my old age, I never forget the amount of times I’ve scared students walking through the Learning Kitchen Hallway, the memories and personal stories we’ve shared while working in the garden, the milestones so many students have achieved with public speaking, trying something new, or working together as part of a team.
I hope this batch of cookies turns out as good as my imagination thinks it will be. I won’t know until I try.
Thank you GC-B Family for all of the memories, I love you, and I’ll miss you all, but I’m just on the other side of the county 30 Miles from Nowhere , and only a phone call, text, direct message or email away (
(…also, the actual, physical cookies I made didn’t turn out too bad, but needs a little tweaking)
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