Congratulations on making a baby!! Whether you’re adopting a newborn, fostering, having your first child, or you’re expecting again this second article in our three part series will help you figure out what to register for when you’re expecting a baby.
Welcome back for part 2 of what you should register for when you’re pregnant. Be sure to check out our part one of What to Register for When You’re Expecting a Baby.
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Feeding items you should register for when you’re pregnant
- “Breast is best.” I feel like this is true. However, what is EVEN better than breast, is fed. Fed is best. If you’re stressed out, not producing, the baby can’t quite get the hang of it, and the baby won’t stop crying it is comforting to know you have a bit of formula on hand, just in case. Now you have an option to feed your baby without going out in the middle of the night, tired and frustrated, to potentially closed stores…feeling like a failure. Tomorrow is another day to try again, drink some more water, make some more “boobie brownies,” put your feet up and bond with your baby. Until then, get your baby fed so you can relax. IYKYK…ask me how I know?! I sent my husband to town at about 4:00 a.m., DESPERATE for formula. Nothing else we tried worked to get the baby to stop crying. Not trying to scare you, but with baby 2, we had some on hand because of this very reason. You’ve got this!!
- ***Side note*** Use Aeroflow Breastpumps to get the most bang for your buck when ordering a pump! Just have your OBGYN write you a prescription at an appointment that you can scan into Aeroflow later. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t able to get the pump covered by insurance until a month before my due date…down to the wire, but it all worked all, both times!

- Nipple cream – I had your pretty generic “nipple cream” both both children. I would be more inclined to try something else, if we had another. I honestly might go with something like Toups & Co Organics Unscented Tallow Balm. I have absolutely LOVED their other products – I use their eye shadow, mascara, liquid foundation, mineral makeup, pressed blush, activated charcoal face bar, facial tonic, and face balm. I’m telling you. Make the switch to better skin products. You won’t regret it! This is truly a company I can stand behind (this is not a paid ad! I just think their products are great!)
- Reusable nursing pads – I didn’t use these much, BUT everyone is different. It is better to have something like this and not need it, than to wish you had it when you’re soaked through your shirt in public!!

- Breastmilk storage bags – getting them in bulk is such a good idea!
- Nursing pillow and nursing pillow cover (white colors are great, they don’t show the spit up so much 😉 IYKYK) (the gold standard is the Boppy pillow) – I didn’t use this much, but my nipples point out and down, so the position of this pillow wasn’t great. I got good at using tiny pillows, like decorative pillows, in just the right areas for certain chairs in our home.
- Haakaa – sometimes was necessary to avoid wasting precious breast milk while pumping
- Bottle Brush with stand with nipple cleaner – definitely used the nipple cleaner for bottles and pump parts!
- Boon drying rack or some sort of drying rack (It’s nice to be more vertically stored for drying)
- That is why I am recommending this Vertical Bottle Dryer Rack Holder instead, which looks like it is a better use of space than a Boon drying rack

- Bottle Warmer (which does fit the Comotomo bottles we had)
- Nursing cover . I liked using the apron style because you can see baby and baby can see you because the part on your chest is away from your body. This allows air flow. Make sure you get a lightweight one for the summer (light colors are best, for spit up, spills, and leakage, but helps keep you and baby cool if breastfeeding outdoors.
- Pump parts bag-like this Breast Pump Wet Bag. I liked using this since I went back to work after having our babies. It allowed me to rinse and put the parts in the fridge for the next pumping session without having to wash between each session (you of course could if you wanted).

- Cloth bibs and burp cloths
- It was so cute to have bibs for the holidays for their first year (“My first _____” Halloween, Christmas, etc.)
- It was nice to have every day bibs to use for spit up – less laundry to wash! Just change out the bib! Also, Copper Pearl brand/bandana style are king. They work well, and look awesome!
- Same with burp cloths/muslin wraps (they are universal for spit up and wrapping up a baby, they’re great)
- Burp Cloths – honestly, this is something you probably don’t have to register for, you’ll likely get an assortment at your shower or from other peoples’ gifts!

- Solid food stage
- Plates and bowls
- Suction cup plates and bowls are awesome!! Highly recommend. However, I do not recommend the silicone kind to go in the dishwasher. Hand wash those bad boys, otherwise they taste like soap
- Toddler plates, cups and bowls (remember to have a set for grandma and grandpa’s too, or anyone else that might be watching your kids a lot!)
- Plates and bowls

- Munchkin Miracle 360 Trainer Cup – we used these for both of our kids. They are not leak proof, but almost! They do spill when they get dropped from a high chair, but they work well! We also got a couple of other sippy cups to have on hand, just in case this one was a fail!!
- Silicone bibs. Are king compared to cloth bibs for eating! Less mess, virtually NO staining! (Did you know red spaghetti red color comes off if you use butter or oil before soap and water? Because lycopene is a fat soluble vitamin that gives it the red color – ie – soap and water won’t remove the color, but fats will!!! Also, you will have better uptake of lycopene if you eat with fats-science is pretty neat! Lycopene is a great antioxidant.)
- Toddler forks and spoons – we prefer this kind -easy to hold and gets them used to using real silverware with the metal end that goes in their mouth. However, do not put these in the dishwasher-ask me how I know.
- Fresh fruitsicle frozen pop tray – I don’t recommend it. The thought of having the popsicle come off as a whole piece scares me.
- Boon pulp silicone feeder – this kind of feeder worked well to clean. The cloth mesh ones didn’t seem as sanitary, in my opinion
- Fresh Food Feeder
- Snack Catcher cups – really a two pack has worked for both of our kids, and that is all we ever had. Wash, fill, repeat. This is something else I would recommend ordering in gender neutral colors.
- High Chair – have a highchair option for your house, a space saving high chair option that you can take with you, and/or keep at people’s house (like grandma and grandpa’s) that can be just kept there
- Having a Foldable high chair is AMAZING. We got so much use out of this thing because of the get-togethers and traveling we did when our babies could fit in it.
- Convertible highchair that grows with your kids and the different stages they’re in. Highly recommend it!

- Bottles
- Comotomo were our baby’s favorite. They do have different nipple sizes, so it wouldn’t hurt to get at least the first two sizes just in case you do need to bottle feed your baby. Also, I would recommend sizing up in the bottles. You don’t always have to fill them. You cannot fit 8 oz into a 2 oz bottle, but you can put 2 oz into an 8 oz bottle. (KISS)
- I also think it’s a good idea to have 2-3 different types of bottles available for your baby to test out to see which one works best for them, just in case you need it!
- Formula – sign up for the samples from Enfamil, Similac, etc. to have some on hand to get you by, just in case. You can always gift these to other mommas later if you don’t use them and they aren’t expired! Come back to my next post to see where to get free samples, coupons and other promos for expecting moms.
Nursery & Decor items you should register for when you’re pregnant
- Fitted crib sheets – I would recommend having at least four on hand for spit up, throw up, blow outs. This is also something I wish I would have gotten more gender neutrals in. However, it was fun to get another set to match the nursery decor for each of our babies
- Jersey knit cotton sheets – are going to feel a bit thicker and warmer
- Microfiber sheets – are going to be a bit softer an airy
- Waterproof crib mattress cover – I would recommend having at least two
- Crib skirt
- Crib and toddler mattress-honestly, we bought one mattress from a garage sale, and have used it for both children. Totally up to you, and your preference. Just make sure it fits the crib you have chosen.
Diapering items you should register for when you’re pregnant
- Butt creams – have 1-2 kinds on hand. You don’t know how your baby’s skin will react, and having a few options is always helpful

- Aquaphor (our favorite! Pricey, and it works so well! It doesn’t leave an odor like other butt creams do, which I love!)
- A&D
- Young Living Diaper Rash Cream
- Baby Bum Brush – thought I needed this. I really didn’t like it. You can use a clean finger. Wash your hands. Boop, done.
- Changing pad – got this from a store closing sale.
- Changing pad cover. We didn’t use covers most of the time. Since we had a waterproof changing pad, it just seemed as easy to wipe it down when it got dirty rather than to wash another thing 😉
- Diaper Genie – FORGET IT!!! Please. The refills are so expensive and it’s a waste of space, in my opinion. We literally use a Hefty Trash Can with Slide Lock – we don’t lock the lid, we get good trash bags. When it is starting to smell, it’s also time to take it out. Win, win. Then we can use the garbage can after the kids are potty trained. One less thing to donate, or put in a landfill.
- Cloth Diapers – we had some of these on hand, just in case another pandemic hits and you can’t get disposable at the store
- Baby Wipe Dispenser – we use this in the nursery, and pop top type wipes in the diaper bag. So, yes, we have two kinds of wipes, but the cost savings in the different types of wipes for different purposes is worth it!!
- Potty Training Seat – We got this adjustable one. The rim adjusts to fit different toilet seat sizes. We can take this along to grandma and grandpas while potty training instead of a whole potty chair. However, we picked up one of those too at a garage sale!
Health & Safety items you should register for when you’re pregnant
- For circumcisions
- Petroleum Jelly/Vaseline – You’re supposed to use a squeeze tube rather than a big tub. This has been handy to keep in the diaper bag too post healing time for circumcision. Can be used as diaper cream, chapstick, thigh lubricant for hot days, ouchie cream for scuffs, etc.
- Nasal Aspirator / Nose Freida – They’re disgusting, but sometimes so necessary to provide relief for your little one. Get it, have it on hand. Gift it if you don’t use it! You won’t get boogers in your mouth IF you have the filter in there. The battery powered nasal aspirator wasn’t a thing yet with our first. If it would have been, I would have opted for that one!!
- Frida Baby Medicine Pacifier – we had this save the day once or twice. It was nice to know that it was there if we needed it. The Dr. Brown’s Pacidose Pacifier Liquid Baby Medicine Dispenser is almost the same.
- Nail clippers – honestly, I disliked the nail frida ones, just smaller nail clippers work great! You’ll probably get small clipped sent home from the hospital with you, along with a nail file and little gloves

- Baby sunscreen-I don’t feel the need to get specific “baby sunscreen.” We use Hawaiian Tropic Active. If it’s safe enough for the coral reef, it’s good enough for my baby. Just spray it in your hands to apply it to their face, neck and ears. 🙂
- Baby Bug Spray – This actually works well for “no see-ems” IYKYK, mosquitos and flies in Iowa
Toys and Books you should register for when you’re pregnant
(You’ll more than likely get several of these with gifts as they are easy things for people to include with a gift basket)

- Teethers- our baby’s favorites were:
- Banana
- Nuby Ice Gel Teether Keys (these are nice to have on hand, just in case you don’t know what else can soothe baby, give these a try. It might just do the trick)
- Sophie GiraffeTeething Ring
- Munch Mitt
For the Parent(s) items you should register for when you’re pregnant
- Video Baby Monitor (this is the updated version of what we first had) – wireless and ability to operate withOUT wifi – because we live out in the country, and already don’t have super fast internet. We opted for this, but also because creepy people can hack into your monitor if it uses the internet and watch your baby. We didn’t want that, and I’m sure you don’t either.

- Finger Strap Grip Holder or something to help you hold on to your phone. Umm…hate to admit this, but there were many times I got up in the middle of the night, and I used my phone to help me stay awake while feeding the baby. Sometimes you just get to rocking in the rocking chair, and YOU get sleepy. Then…boop, into the baby’s face goes your cell phone. AVOID this by getting something to help you hold onto that thing! Or you know, leave it somewhere else. You do you…but I found this so helpful!
- Camera – I ended up getting a Nikon. Research and see if this is a good fit for you. I wanted to be able to take good pictures for many years, and I knew I wanted to pursue some photography on the side. However, phones take great pictures now, so I’m not sure you need a separate camera to take good pictures and video!
- Earbuds – Soundcore wireless earbuds or whatever brand you prefer. This helped me feel like a bit more of a person when I was on maternity leave, nursing, or washing pump parts, or now just in general while I am working with my hands. I have gleaned so much knowledge listening to other people through podcasts. I HIGHLY suggest you get a pair. If you would like to know what some of my favorite podcasts are, you can see my list on Podcasts for people that get stuff done (or want to learn). You can talk to your friends hands free, listen to TV shows with action and explosions without waking the baby many good things.

- Babysitter – while it’s not really something to register for, it’s definitely something to think about BEFORE you need or want one. You likely won’t be ready to go out just the two of you very soon after delivering the baby, but a time will come when you can, and should, slip away for a bit to catch a date night. Have a list of baby sitters ready for the evening and daytime (and if you plan to go back to work, a full time sitter/daycare person) for both week days and weekends.
See what we registered for using Babylist
Come back for more things that we registered for that I didn’t get and didn’t miss. What gifts shocked me. Where to get “the good” samples from companies. What is THE thing I SHOULD HAVE registered for.
I know, you shouldn’t should on yourself!!
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